Tuesday, 3 June 2008

The French coffee drinks

Café (kuh-fay) is plain coffee with nothing added, but is strong as it is brewed like espresso.

Café au lait (kuh-fay oh-lay) is a popular French coffee style that has been popularized in America, as it's served in tres francais New Orleans at Café du Monde. In France, this is simply coffee with steamed milk, and it's almost always wonderful. You will sometimes get the coffee served in one pot or in the cup, and then a pitcher of steamed milk to pour in as you please.

Café crème (kuh-fay khremm) is, as it sounds, coffee served in a large cup with hot cream.

Café Décafféiné (kuh-fay day-kah-fay-uhn-ay) is decaffeinated coffee. You will still need to tell them you want milk (lait) or cream (crème) with your coffee.

Café Noisette (kuh-fay nwah-zett) is espresso with a dash of cream in it. It is called "noisette," French for hazelnut, because of the rich, dark color of the coffee.

Café Americain (kuh-fay uh-meyhr-uh-kan) is filtered coffee, similar to traditional American coffee.

Café Léger (kuh-fay lay-zjay) is espresso with double the water.
Other French coffee terms

Here are other terms that will come in useful when ordering coffee or visiting a French café:

Sucre - (soo-khruh) - sugar (You can request this, although cafés typically bring a cup with two cubed sugars on the dish. Since French coffee is strong, you may want to request more, or ask, "Plus de sucre, s'il vous plait," ploo duh soo-khruh, see voo play.)

Edulcorant - (ay-doohl-co-hrahn) - sweetener

Chocolat chaud - (shah-ko-lah show - hot chocolate

cafe con leche (you know)

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